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Unveiling the Knight: My Journey to Overcome Addiction and Find My Savior


In the epic tale of life, each of us faces our own battles, struggles, and adversities. It's a journey that often requires us to don our armor, sharpen our swords, and march forward with unwavering determination. My journey was, and is, no different. In this candid and heartfelt blog post, I'm sharing my personal story, one of addiction, struggle, and redemption, and how I've found the strength to confront my demons and honor the knight within myself.


The Unintended Encounter in Las Vegas

My story begins during my formative years, a time when curiosity and confusion often reign supreme. At just 12 years old, I had a life-changing encounter during a family trip to Las Vegas. Inside the glamorous walls of Caesar's Palace, I, still in the early stages of adolescence, confronted a world of statues and images that I couldn't quite comprehend. It was a moment that sparked a, not yet lustful, curiosity and set in motion a journey of trial I wasn't prepared for.


A Struggle in Silence

My curiosity soon led me down a dark, spiraling, path. I began exploring pornographic content on the internet, not knowing how to process my feelings or the impact of my actions. Despite having loving and supportive parents, I felt unable to reach out for help. My struggle with this newfound curiosity turned addiction continued, and the silence surrounding it became even more oppressive.


Seeking a Path to Recovery

In search of a solution, I joined the Sons of Healing program offered through Life Changing Services, an initiative aimed at supporting individuals battling addiction. While my initial attempt was driven more by fear and shame than genuine understanding, it marked the beginning of my journey towards recovery. The program provided a community of like-minded individuals, struggling with my same trial, offering support and guidance as I went straight through and graduated the program, though I didn’t truly learn anything.


A Winding Path

My early attempts at recovery were marked by inconsistency, especially as my addiction returned with vigor when I was around fourteen years old. I continued to struggle with addiction, constantly wrestling with Satan's manipulative tactics and squelching of my truths. A young mind vulnerable to stress and anxiety, I found myself ensnared in a cycle that seemed impossible to break and continued to drown me. I fought valiantly, but I hadn’t actually learned how to fight, or even what the real battle, even is. I returned to the Sons of Helaman program and I grew very angry with the ideas and my failures so I never finished.


The Journey to Rediscover Faith

As I matured and gained a better understanding of myself and my faith, I discovered the importance of incorporating my faith into my recovery journey. My commitment to returning to the Sons of Healing program at seventeen and experiencing true conversion became the turning point in my recovery as years of a different kind of struggle began. A deeper connection with my Savior, Jesus Christ, began to shine through the darkness.


A Fresh Start

Finally, now at the age of 23, I’ve decided that it is time to make a fresh start. I have and am embarking on a journey to defeat my addiction and to build a life worth living. I sought professional counseling and actively engaged in the 12-step program offered by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.


The Reality of the Battle

My story of recovery has not been a linear path, I don’t think anyone’s journey is. While I have initially achieved three weeks of victory, I encountered a setback. This was a reminder that the fight continues, and I must remain vigilant in the face of temptation. However, my unwavering commitment and my newfound relationship with my Savior fuel my determination to overcome.


The Invitation to Join the Fight

My journey is far from over. I invite others to join me in their own personal battles. You are not alone, and your struggles do not define you. Take the next step in your recovery, and never forget that you are a warrior for your faith, your Savior, and ultimately, yourself.



My journey is meant to be a testament to the human spirit's resilience and the power of faith and not a pity party or hypocritical story in any way. My journey, filled with struggles, setbacks, and ultimate redemption, will hopefully serve as an inspiration for anyone facing their own demons. While I am showing my courage in sharing my story and my commitment to both my recovery and my faith, I honor your story your commitment, and your faith. May my, and our, journey inspire us all to keep fighting, to keep moving forward, and to honor the knight of Jesus Christ within us, no matter the battles we face.

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